15 October 2010

Have you shared your faith today?

Thomas Hitton, a poor and pious minister of Kent, used to go frequently to Antwerp to purchase New Testaments. As he was returning from one of these expeditions, in 1529, the bishop of Rochester caused him to be arrested at Gravesend, and put to the cruelest tortures, to make him deny his faith.

But the martyr repeated with holy enthusiasm: “Salvation cometh by faith and not by works, and Christ giveth it to whomsoever he willeth.”

On the 20th of February 1530, he was tied to the stake and there burnt to death.


A painter, named Edward Freese, a young man of ready wit, having been engaged to paint some hangings in a house, wrote on the borders certain sentences of the Scripture.

For this he was seized and taken to the bishop of London’s palace at Fulham, and there imprisoned, where his chief nourishment was bread made out of sawdust.

His poor wife, who was pregnant, went down to Fulham to see her husband; but the bishop’s porter had orders to admit no one, and the brute gave her so violent a kick, as to kill her unborn infant, and cause the mother’s death not long after.


Men and women through the ages have been imprisoned, tortured and died to bring the gospel to the lost.

Have you shared your faith today....this week....this month? People all around us are dying and going to Hell and we have the words of life.

Make it a point to talk to someone about Christ this week ~

Hat Tip to Reformation Files

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