29 August 2013

Labor Day Outreach

Labor Day Outreach in Canton -
This  Sunday, September 1st, the City of Canton will be having it's annual 4th of July Fireworks event. September 1st was the rescheduled rain-out date given after the monsoon we had on the 4th of July.
The 4th of July is one of our biggest outreaches of the year where we are able to hand out thousands of tracts in a short period of time before the fireworks begin. I am not sure if the crowds will be as big this Sunday as they are during the normal 4th of July show, but I and a couple others will be there nonetheless handing out tracts and, hopefully, having some conversations along the way.
If anyone is interested in coming out to do a little evangelism via tracts or conversation, please join us; we can always use extra hands and mouths!
Where: Riverstone Shopping Center in Canton, Ga.
When: Sunday, September 1st
Meeting Spot: In front of Hibbitt Sports (Next to Publix)
Time to meet: 6:30pm
We will meet up, pray up, pair up and go out -
Soli Deo Gloria!

03 July 2013

4th of July Outreach is postponed -

The City of Canton has postponed the 4th of July celebration due to inclement weather.

Since the event has been postponed (and not cancelled), our evangelism efforts will just be on hold until the event is rescheduled.

I will keep you posted -


01 July 2013

Mission Ottawa / New England - Part 2

The second half of our mission trip was spent in beautiful Providence, Rhode Island with our host family Robert and Aneta. Just like Paul and Kim in Ottawa, Robert and Aneta are sold out Christians with a passion for reaching the lost in their hometown.

Just as in Ottawa (and every town in the world), Providence has lost people who need to hear the gospel. Robert is a full time evangelist who spends his day reaching the lost via open-air preaching, conversations and handing out tracts.

During our New England portion of the mission trip, we were able to go to Boston, Plymouth and, of course, Providence.

Robert and Vernon strategizing at the bus station -

Open-airing the gospel to crowds at the Boston Common Park -

Vernon during one of his open-air gospel presentations in Boston -

Robert proclaiming the gospel to ears that would hear in Boston -

Sharing one-to-one with a young man at a park in Providence -

Vernon sharing the gospel at the bus station in Providence (Awesome fishing hole here!) -

Sharing the gospel with a man who wanted to talk more after I finished an open-air message -

Sharing the gospel with a Jewish man who continually took the Lord's Name in vain -

Leaving to come back home: A rose (Aneta) between two thorns! (Hat Tip to Paul) -

Vernon and I can not be more appreciative of the hospitality and love of our host families in Providence as well as Ottawa. We love you guys and can't wait for our next mission trip!

Stories behind the photographs to follow shortly...stay tuned!

Soli Deo Gloria -


30 June 2013

Mission Ottawa / New England - Part 1

Eight days on the road -

Six flights across North America -

Four days each in Ottawa, Canada and Providence, Rhode Island -

Two loving and gracious host families -

One glorious gospel proclaimed -

Now that Mission Ottawa / New England is over and Vernon Costolo and I are reunited with our families, we look back and rejoice and give glory to God over the last week recalling the wonderful friends we made along the way, the places we have been and seen as well as the many chances we had to share the gospel, either one-to-one with people, or by the open-air opportunities we had with the multitudes.

I was personally blessed to hear God glorifying street preaching from the likes of Mike Stockwell, Robert S. Gray and Chris Sippley of JeremiahCry Ministries. God gave me many one-to-one conversations where I had the honor and privilege of personally of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. God also allowed me many opportunities to proclaim the gospel to multitudes of people via open-air.

         Combined teams of Mission Ottawa and Jeremiah Cry

Left to Right; Kim, Me, Vernon and Paul of Team Ottawa

Mike Stockwell of Jeremiah Cry thundering the gospel in Ottawa

Robert S. Gray heralding the gospel at the bus station in Ottawa

Chris Sippley of Jeremiah Cry in a one-to-one conversation

Vernon in a one-to-one gospel sharing opportunity

Vernon proclaiming the gospel despite a heckler trying to shut him down (more on this later)

Me handing a tract to a passerby while on the box

Here I am in a one-to-one with a fellow who is a Eastern Orthodox Christian

I had several opportunities to open air on the streets of Ottawa

God gave me an opportunity to witness and pray for this man in Ottawa

This posting is just a quick overview of our four days in Ottawa. Tomorrow I will give a quick overview of our four days in the New England area.

Over the next week or so, I will post stories of our evangelism mission trip in both Ottawa and the New England area. Stories that I hope will encourage you and embolden you to share your faith with strangers who, unless they hear the gospel, have no hope in this world or the eternity to come. I will also share many more pictures and maybe a video or two.....maybe I will even share with you my first encounter with a Beavertail and some Dutch Babies  ;-)

Soli Deo Gloria!



16 June 2013

Mission Ottawa / New England

In just a few short days (June 21st), Vernon Costolo (Proclaiming The Truth) and I will be on our way to Ottawa, Canada to proclaim the gospel with Paul and Kim Latour (The Word Street Journal). This is a mission evangelism trip that Vernon has made for the past three years and, praise God, I have been blessed to make the event with him this year.

After spending four days on the Ottawa streets, we will make our way to the New England states to meet up with other street evangelists and proclaim the gospel in Plymouth, Boston, Providence and other areas before returning back home June 28th.

Here is a brief itinerary:

Mission Ottawa : Arrive June 21 - Multiple visits to the following locations: The Byward Market, Parliament Hill, Sparks Street, the War Memorial, Quebec Bridge - Depart June 25 to Providence, RI

Mission New England: Arrive June 25: Providence, RI
                                          June 26: Fall River, MA with church planter Tom Cabral 
                                          June 27: Plymouth, MA  and Boston Commons in Boston
                                          June 28: Providence, RI

                               Depart June 29 to Atlanta

I humbly ask for your prayers -

Pray for God to be glorified. Pray that He uses us mightily for His Kingdom. Pray for many to repent and put their faith in Christ alone for salvation. Pray for our health and endurance. And, again, pray for God to be glorified in all that we do and say.
God bless and Soli Deo Gloria -
Your brother in Christ,
Wayne Albrecht

20 April 2013

Dogwood Festival Evangelism

His Feet on the Street will be joining Proclaiming the Truth and other evangelists today at the Dogwood Festival in Atlanta.

There will be thousands and thousands of people coming to the park for all kinds of entertainment and shows throughout the weekend.

We will be there to try to get as many gospel tracts as possible into as many hands as possible and, hopefully, have a conversation along the way.

Please pray for us as proclaim the gospel. Pray that God opens many hearts to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Pray that God is glorified in all we do today.

Soli Deo Gloria!

24 February 2013

How to Witness to a Closed-minded Person - Ray Comfort

You are about to share the gospel with someone, and he says, “I don’t believe in God or the Bible, it’s all bogus.” If you think it’s the end of the conversation, I have some good news for you. I have found a key that unlocks a door that has just been slammed in your face. This key works. I know, because I have used it a thousand times.

Before we look at the key, let’s establish what we want to achieve (this is important, because our theology will dictate our methodology). If we believe that people can be saved by making a decision, then our agenda will be to get decisions for Christ. But if we believe that salvation is a work of God from beginning to end, we will be guided by that conviction. I believe that we have as much to do with someone’s salvation as we do in making a tree. All we can do is plant the seed, and make sure it’s watered. It is God who makes the tree grow. So my aim is simply to plant the seed of the Word of God in the prepared soil of the human heart. Paul said, “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:6).

Now, let’s get back to the key that opens a closed door. I approach a stranger and say a warm, “Good morning.” He gives a friendly response, so as I hand him a gospel tract I ask, “Did you get your trillion? I’m trying to fix the economy.” I then ask, “What’s your name?” and introduce myself.

I say, “John, that’s a gospel tract. What do you think happens after someone dies—do you think that there is an afterlife?” He says, “No. There’s not. I don’t believe in God or the Bible. It’s all bogus.” The door is closed, so most of us at this point would probably say, “Okay then. It’s nice to meet you. Goodbye.”

Here now is the key that unlocks the closed door. I simply say, “I know that you don’t believe in those things, but if Heaven does exist, will you make it in--are you a good person? ” The word “if” is the key that will unlock the door. I deliberately emphasize it as I say it, because it’s non-threatening.

Our goal is to present the gospel, and to make it make sense we need to do what Jesus did, and go through the moral Law (the Ten Commandments) to bring the knowledge of sin (Luke 10:25, Romans 3:19,20 and 7:7,13) and show the need for the Savior.

God has given us two very powerful helpers for this task. The primary helper is the Holy Spirit, and the other is the sinner’s conscience. In Romans 2:15--16 the Scriptures speak of this second helper:

“They show that the essential requirements of the Law are written in their hearts and are operating there, with which their consciences (sense of right and wrong) also bear witness; and their [moral] decisions (their arguments of reason, their condemning or approving thoughts) will accuse or perhaps defend and excuse [them] on that day when, as my Gospel proclaims, God by Jesus Christ will judge men in regard to the things which they conceal (their hidden thoughts)” (Romans 2:15-16, Amplified Bible).

When the Bible says that “the essential requirements of the Law are written in their hearts” it means that the unregenerate person knows intuitively the code of conduct required by the Law. In other words his conscience is like an impartial judge in the courtroom of his mind, and that voice will accuse him of moral misconduct, if it is awakened from its sleeping state.

When the moral Law is properly presented, something wonderful begins to happen. The sinner’s dormant conscience awakens to do its God-given duty. It affirms the truth of the Commandments. He intuitively knows that it’s wrong to lie, to steal, to blaspheme, and to commit adultery. After going through the Commandments, “if” is once again used—“If God was to judge you by the Ten Commandments on Judgment Day, would you be innocent or guilty?” What he is hearing isn’t exactly what he wants to hear, but the accusations of guilt aren’t coming from without. They are coming from within his own heart, and that has the effect of stopping his mouth of justification, and helping him see that he has sinned against God.

Let me put it another way. It’s a very hot day. You are about to lift a glass of cool clear water to your parched lips. Nothing else matters but quenching your ravenous thirst. Then you hear someone say, “There’s arsenic in that water!” If it’s coming from a credible source, you will more than likely believe what you hear, pull that water away from your lips and tip it onto the ground.

We live among a hedonistic generation that drinks iniquity like water. Nothing else matters except quenching the thirst for sex, porn, parties and pleasure. As the Scriptures say, “God is not in their thoughts.” However, a biblical presentation of the gospel injects God into his thoughts and makes him think seriously about his own eternal salvation.

If you want to see this happening, please watch GeniusTheMovie.com and if you want further instruction, listen to “Hell’s Best Kept Secret” on LivingWaters.com

10 February 2013

Standing from a Wheelchair to Preach the Gospel -

A few weeks ago I did a blog post on a man named Richard Story. Richard was involved in a car accident in 2006 that left him confined to a wheelchair. Refusing to let the wheelchair keep him from serving the Lord, Richard goes through a laborious effort regularly to take his "Are You Ready" cross out to the road for people to see.

Last week at the Super Bowl in New Orleans, Richard, in obedience to the calling of the Holy Spirit, stood on a box and open-aired the gospel for the first time.

Christian, I put up this video for encouragement...for conviction...for blessing -

15 January 2013

Quality Seed - Ray Comfort

The Apostle Paul rejoiced even when evil men preached the gospel—when they did so “insincerely, hoping to add affliction to my bonds” (see 1 Philippians 1:15-18). This is because the quality is in the seed, and not in the seed’s sower. However, evangelists who tell people to just ask Jesus into their heart because He will make things better are not preaching the gospel. 

The “gospel” is the good news that Jesus suffered and died on the cross and rose again on the third day. He did this to save us from the wrath of God’s Law and from a very real Hell. But such hard biblical truths don’t go down too well in a blasphemous and sin-loving world. So they leave out the essentials of sin, righteousness and judgment. They water down the medicine to make it palatable, but in doing so they remove from it its curative properties.

There are no words to describe the tragedy of this error. Not only has such misguided evangelism filled America with bitter “backsliders,” but it has also packed the Church (in pew and in pulpit) with false converts. Many of our pulpiteers have become nothing more than motivational speakers, rather than Sons of Thunder who boldly preach the righteousness of God. Feeble preachers have reproduced after their own kind, created a feeble Church, and this has destroyed our ability to be salt and light. Instead of being a moral lighthouse for the nation, we have become irrelevant in the eyes of the world. 

Our nation is rotten to the core with sin, and it has found itself in gross darkness with no light, and I believe it all traces itself back to the unbiblical and insipid “give your heart to Jesus” message (I have expounded this with statistical evidence in a book entitled, God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life—which you can purchase here, or freely download on www.freeWonderfulBook.com).

May God help us to bring the Church back to biblical evangelism and raise up a generation of faithful men and women who will fear God enough to say with the Apostle Paul, “Wherefore knowing the terror of the Lord, we persuade men.”

05 January 2013

Do Something!

“Brethren, do something; do something, do something! While societies and unions make constitutions, let us win souls. I pray you, be men of action all of you. Get to work and quit yourselves like men. Old Suvarov’s idea of war is mine: `Forward and strike! No theory! Attack! Form a column! Charge bayonets! Plunge into the center of the enemy! Our one aim is to win souls; and this we are not to talk about, but do in the power of God!’” – Charles Spurgeon