26 May 2012

Evangelism and the local church

The roots of evangelism are embedded in the local church which derives its life from Christ, as he is set forth in the whole of Scripture. The members evangelise as they are nourished by the preaching, strengthened by the corporate prayer and worship of the church and encouraged by fellowship.
Christians who abide in Christ by abiding in a true local church will evangelise spontaneously. They can do no other. If the churches are not producing evangelism in this spontaneous way, the way to recovery is not by the imposition of organised efforts upon the churches from without. The only way is by reformation and revival taking place within.

Rev. Erroll Hulse


  1. Sure sounds like my church. Praise GOD! Thanks for this, Wayne.

  2. Very well said (I like the graphic too). Thanks for sharing this, Wayne.

    I have been trained in evangelism through various programs, I follow several evangelism blogs and websites (many of which contain extremely helpful information from people who are out sharing the gospel on a regular basis), I have evangelist friends from whom I've gained many ideas and tips on how to share the gospel. BUT nothing has helped me more when I'm out on the streets sharing the gospel than the sound foundation of Biblical teaching I receive at my church. I'm amazed at how I'm able to form answers to questions (answers I sometimes don't even know are in my head until I'm asked to think about it)because I'm hearing God's Word preached rightly week after week at my local church. It truly does inspire evangelism!

  3. Here is a link to the complete article by Erroll Hulse - A very good read -

