15 December 2010

Free gospel tracts!

I have come across a ministry called Bezeugen Tract Club that gives away free gospel tracts. After you enroll in the club (for free) you will receive a 30 day supply of tracts once a month. I just got my first shipment today.

Bezeugen is a German word meaning, "To bear witness to; affirm as a fact or truth; attest"

Here is the link to their homepage where you can check out their great website and all the cool evangelism ideas they have.

Here is the link to enroll and get your free tracts started on their way to your mailbox - Bezeugen


  1. Thanks for promoting the tract club. We have gotten a couple of new members from your BLOG post! To God be the glory!

  2. Praise God!

    Thanks for stopping by Carl!!
