18 July 2014

My First Custom Tract

I have created my first custom tract. Thanks to Marv at One Million Tracts for all the help!

Please click HERE to have a look!

02 July 2014

Independence Day Outreach

It's that time of year again where we gear up for our largest evangelism outreach of the year!

The weather forecast this year is 82 degrees and no rain! This promising forecast should bring thousands of people to Canton for a perfect evening of fireworks. When there are thousands of people gathering in your hometown area, it is a perfect opportunity to take the gospel to them.

IF you are in the area and would like to join us in this massive outreach, please come...and bring tracts!

When - July 4th (Friday)
Where - Meet in front of Hibbitts Sports (next to Publix in the Riverstone Shopping Center)
Time - 6:30pm 

We will meet up, pray up and head out. We should have a good two hours to hand out tracts and, Lord willing, have a few conversations along the way.

If you can't join us, will you pray for us?

Soli Deo Gloria!