15 March 2014

Where Have I been?

Where in the world have I been?

It has definitely been awhile since I have posted any evangelism stories on His Feet on the Street! In fact, the last post I submitted was on the Labor Day outreach way back in 2013.

To be honest, I have been struggling with "how" to post evangelism related events, stories and personal interactions. I was even on the fence of keeping up a blog at all.


Well...over the last few years I have seen my share of evangelism blogs (and Facebook posts) that seem to promote the evangelist over the glory of God. It seems it was more about the fame of the evangelist, their notoriety and their "look at what I'm doing" than about the exaltation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Now there are a lot of evangelism blogs out there that blog with a uniqueness that glorifies God while not putting the spotlight on themselves; they are clearly blogging to encourage and edify fellow Christians who regularly share their faith. To be fair, if you're blogging about evangelism, there is an element where you have to talk about yourself to some degree while not coming off as bragging or being prideful in your efforts to win the lost.

I wanted to take a deep and prayerful look into why I was blogging about evangelism: Was it about me or was it about the glory of God?

I pray it was always the latter and never the former.

The first post on this blog was way back on May 5th, 2009. A few days later, I posted about HFOTS's first evangelism outreach. I remember that outing like it was yesterday! In fact, the first person to comment on the blog was my good friend and brother in the Lord, Paul Latour from the Word Street Journal!

Since that first outing, HFOTS has been blessed beyond measure to present, proclaim and tract the gospel to a number only the good Lord knows Himself.

I want this blog to edify, encourage and embolden Christians in evangelism for the glory of God - I pray that as I resume blogging with personal evangelism stories, it is never mistaken for anything more than what it is; a means by which God is glorified through the proclamation of the gospel and of His Son Jesus Christ -

Soli Deo Gloria!


  1. Wayne,
    I think it's good to wrestle with this issue. Every Christian blogger (evangelism-related or not) should examine themselves in this way. It is the the constant tension that goes with this form of media. When you stop asking yourself "Is my aim in this to glorify God or to make myself known?", then I think it's time to be concerned.

    Good to have you back! I've wondered about you often and prayed for you as well. Your blog is most encouraging to fellow believers (and has given me several good ideas on how to spread the gospel and how to examine my own heart). May you have many posts left in you and may God receive the glory for every one of them.

  2. Thank you, Joe -

    Thank you, Katrina -
